Session Topic: Social Etiquette Date: November 19, 2022 Arrival Time: 11:30 am Session Time: 12:00 pm **ATTENTION: SESSION LOCATION Location: Illios Noche- 11508 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC. 28277 Attire: Blue Blazer, Blue Oxford Shirt, Khaki Pants, Black Dress Shoes, TROPF drawstring bag Activity: K-1 Speed (Indoor Go- Karting) 800 Derita Rd, Concord, NC. 28027 Attire: TROPF T-shirt and hoodie, athletic pants, sneakers Pick up: 5:30 pm (If picking up from K-1 SPEED) 6:00 pm (If picking up from Illios Noche- 11508 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC. 28277) Please be aware time is subject to change Please make sure you PRINT and SIGN the K-1 Speed waiver form and send it with your son(s) to the session. This must be completed in order for your son to participate. Reminder: -Each participant should have sent out Thank You notes to mentor (Troy Keen) from October’s session. (Reference the lime green sheet provided which lists the addresses of mentors.) -Teen Account: Checking or savings account should be opened with the initial $250 deposit. (Add a hard copy of the statement to your portfolio for reference during the session) -Father Chaperone: Come prepared to assist with transportation needs (if any), capture photos/videos during the entire session and share them via Google Drive after the session – access will be provided Thank you for all you do to support the Thornhill Rites of Passage Foundation. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
